Quitter Tools & Tips

Tobacco Takes...


Q: What is NRT and how does it work?

A: NRT stands for nicotine replacement therapy. At this time, there are five types of NRT approved by the FDA including nicotine patch, gum, lozenges, inhaler and nasal spray. NRT helps manage withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting by giving you a small, measured dose of nicotine–but none of the other dangerous chemicals found in tobacco products.

Q: Does the quitline provide free NRT?

Yes, the quitline currently offers nicotine patches to eligible tobacco users.
Click here for more information about this product.

Q: How do I get free NRT?

A: Free NRT is only available to tobacco users who have enrolled in a coaching program and have no medical conditions that would interfere with using NRT. NRT is available to eligible tobacco users once per 12 month period.

Q: Why is coaching required to get NRT?

A: The combination of coaching/support and NRT has been shown to be one of the most effective quit methods available.

Q: Why doesn’t the quitline give out more NRT?

A: The quitline is funded through a grant from the Alabama Department of Public Health, and the annual budget for NRT is limited. Therefore, the quitline is not able to provide unlimited NRT to participants.

Q: Why did the quitline stop calling me?

A: The quitline serves thousands of people each year. The quitline will stop calling after two failed attempts to reach you. If you would still like to receive services, call 1-800-784-8669 to re-activate your case.

Q: Why did someone call me to complete a survey?

A: Quitline participants are asked during their initial call if they are willing to receive a survey call. Surveyors contact quitline participants seven (7) months after enrollment to complete a brief satisfaction/follow-up survey.

Quitline Services

Watch this interview to learn more about our Alabama Tobacco Quitline services.

More Resources

Tobacco News: Secondhand Smoke

This is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In fact, secondhand smoke kills more than 750 non-smoking Alabamians every year. Children are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of secondhand smoke and are at increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, acute respiratory infections, ear problems, severe asthma, and reduced lung function. Read more for these simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke.

Read More

Protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke.

  • Don’t allow anyone to smoke anywhere in or near your home
  • Don’t allow anyone to smoke in your car, even with the windows down
  • Make sure your children’s day care center and schools are tobacco-free
  • Seek out restaurants and other places that do not allow smoking
  • Teach your children to stay away from secondhand smoke
  • Be a good role model by not smoking or using any other type of tobacco

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